Deli povezavo po e-pošti
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Pošlji e-pošto

3/2 and 5/2-way-pneumatic valve 32 mm

Tip 6519 / Št. artikla 20008166

Tehnične lastnosti

5/2 - W - normally open - inlet port 1 connected with outlet port 2, outlet po rt 4 connected with exhaust port 5, exhaust port 3 closed. Alternatively inletport 1 closed, outlet ports 2 and 4 connected with exhaust port 5 | 6,00 mm | Inner thread | Brass | 9,00 V - 9,00 V | 2,00 bar - 10,00 bar | -10,00 °C - 55,00 °C | 900,00 l/min | Plug pattern form A according to DIN EN 175301-803


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